Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance Statement

The Credit Corp Group is committed to ensuring its policies and practices reflect the highest standard of corporate governance. The Board has adopted a comprehensive framework of Corporate Governance Guidelines, designed to properly balance performance and compliance.

For a copy of our Corporate Governance Statement, refer to page 41 of the 2024 Annual Report.

Operating Principles and Properties

Employee Code of Conduct

Credit Corp’s Code of Conduct articulates the standards of conduct expected of directors and employees, in the performance of their duties, including in their dealings with customers, clients, shareholders, employees and other stakeholders.

Whistleblower protection

We are committed to embedding a ‘speak up’ culture. Our Group Whistleblower Policy and procedures prescribe that reports are treated appropriately and the employee raising the concern is protected.

Read the Group Whistleblower Policy

Anti-bribery and corruption

The Credit Corp Group has zero tolerance for any form of bribery and corruption.

Securities Trading

The Securities Trading Policy sets out the circumstances in which employees may purchase and sell Securities and other related financial products or instruments that seek to limit the risk or take advantage of movements in the value of Securities.

Continuous Disclosure

All market sensitive information is released to the ASX in compliance with Credit Corp’s continuous disclosure obligations under the Corporations Act and the ASX Listing Rules.

The Continuous Disclosure Policy provides the framework for dealing with market sensitive information, and seeks to ensure that the Group complies with its continuous disclosure obligations.


Remuneration Policy

Directors' Minimum Shareholding Policy

Delegation of Authority Policy

External Auditor Policy

Security Holders’ Rights and Communications Policy

Diversity & Inclusion

The Diversity and Inclusion Policy sets out the key principles and commitment of the Company in relation to maintaining a diverse and inclusive workforce. The Credit Corp Group values the diversity of its employees and is committed to maintaining an inclusive workplace where all employees are treated equally and fairly and where bullying, discrimination, harassment and inequity is not tolerated.

Read the Credit Corp Group Workplace Gender Equality report: 2023-2024 WGEA Report

Read the Credit Corp Group 2025 Gender Pay Gap Statement

Responsible Procurement

Through our Supplier Code of Conduct we share our values and commitments with our suppliers, and clearly articulate the standards of conduct we expect suppliers to adhere to within their operations and supply chains.

Read the Australian Supplier Code of Conduct

Read the US Supplier Code of Conduct

Responsible use of Artificial Intelligence

Credit Corp is committed to the responsible use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within its business and supply chain as demonstrated in our Group Code of AI Ethics.

Read the Group Code of AI Ethics

Modern Slavery

In December 2024, the Credit Corp Group published its Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for the 2024 financial year, which discloses the actions taken to identify and mitigate slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chain. The statement complies with the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2018.

Risk Management

The Credit Corp risk management framework is designed to identify, assess, monitor and manage material business risks, both financial and non-financial, to minimise their impact on the achievement of organisational goals.

Risk Management Policy

Anti-money laundering and counter terrorism financing

The Credit Corp Group – AML/CTF Group Statement sets out the Credit Corp group of company’s core principles in the identification, mitigation and management of the risk that our products or services may be used to facility money laundering or terrorist financing.

Credit Corp is committed to conducting its business in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, maintaining its reputation as a compliance leader within the industry.