Good governance underpins our culture and ensures our strategy is delivered effectively.

Managing our Supply Chain

We work with over 1,400 Australian and international suppliers and it is important we fulfil our responsibilities to those businesses as well as manage potential risks.

Our Supplier Code of Conduct outlines how we manage supply chain risks such as data security and privacy, human rights, environmental impact and conflicts of interest. We require suppliers to acknowledge this code as part of their contractual agreement with us.

View our Supplier Code of Conduct

Conflicts of Interest

Credit Corp recognises that employees have interests outside of work, and that those interests may include socialising with colleagues, and potentially clients of the Company outside of work hours.

We are committed to holding ourselves accountable to identify and manage actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest – by raising and addressing them immediately within appropriate channels as specified in our Conflicts of Interest policy.


Whistleblower Policy

We provide avenues for people to report ethical concerns and improper behaviour.

Employees can raise matters via internal reporting channels to senior managers and office holders, including company directors. Concerns can also be raised anonymously in line with our Whistleblower policy.

View our Whistleblower Policy here

Privacy – treating data with care

Protecting the personal data of our customers and employees, as well as our confidential business information, is a priority. To do this, we have implemented customer, client and employee privacy policies and continually strengthen our systems.

Our Group Privacy Policy details how we collect, use, disclose, store and secure personal information. We prioritise staff training on secure information handling practices and our people complete mandatory privacy training annually.

View our Privacy Policy


Credit Corp continues to invest in cybersecurity controls and monitor for cybersecurity threats that could potentially impact our infrastructure, data security and customer privacy.

Our Chief Information Officer is responsible for managing cybersecurity risk, developing and implementing plans, and reporting to the Board on a regular basis.

Our approach to human rights and modern slavery

We recognise that human rights are universal and acknowledge that our role in respecting and promoting the fundamental human rights of our people, suppliers, customers and the communities impacted by our operations and supply chain is an important one.

Credit Corp commits to the principles of the United Nationals Global Compact on human rights, labour standards and anti–corruption, as well as local labour standards wherever we operate.

We have no tolerance for slavery of any kind and are committed to taking all necessary steps to operate our business in an ethical and responsible manner, and to mitigate the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking.

We published our fifth Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement in December 2024. This was prepared in consultation with our Modern Slavery Working Group.

Read our Modern Slavery Statement

Anti-Bribery and Corruption

Credit Corp has a no tolerance to any form of bribery or corruption.

Our suite of anti-bribery and corruption policies is underpinned by our corporate values - doing the right thing, being open and honest and making it happen – and includes the following:

Combating financial crime

Credit Corp is committed to the detection, deterrence and disruption of money laundering and financing of terrorism and other serious financial crimes. We are committed to conducting our business in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations maintaining our reputation as a compliance leader within the industry.

Our AML/CTF Group Statement sets out our core principles in the identification, mitigation and management of the risk that our products or services may be used to facilitate money laundering or terrorism financing.

View our AML/CTF statement